Parkside Summer 2020
Attend a 2-day online training at the Parkside School in Manhattan.
Attend a 2-day online training at the Parkside School in Manhattan.
July 27, 28, 29/ 2020
July 27, 28, 29/ 2020
WoodinMath Virtual Professional Development
WoodinMath Virtual Professional Development
Day 1: Introduction to Number Processing and the WoodinMath Number System
Day 1: Introduction to Number Processing and the WoodinMath Number System
• 7/27 will be mainly a powerpoint presentation to introduce the rationale behind whole-to-part learning, and examples of the 5 stages.
Day 2: Drive Primary Math Reasoning from Whole-to-Part
Day 2: Drive Primary Math Reasoning from Whole-to-Part
• 2/28 will be more hands-on where teachers will do sample questions and ask questions.
Day 3: Advanced Questions for Experienced Teachers, and Folllow-up on work with the Production Pages
Day 3: Advanced Questions for Experienced Teachers, and Folllow-up on work with the Production Pages
• 7/29 will be geared toward teachers with experience teaching Woodinmath- I will address questions arising from the independent work. New teachers are also welcome.