Learning to Read, The Great Debate -Restaged in Math Class

The path of math research to practice is slowly adopting the same trajectory as reading and language, though math is decades behind. Research is uncovering undeniable parallels between processing and memory systems within these two subjects. Perhaps we should hit the fast-forward button and shift to a diagnostic-prescriptive education model for special education students within the context of math class.


Reference material and other related links:

Characteristics of Language Based Instruction Within Math Class - ©2019 Christopher L. Woodin and WoodinMath.com

Demystifying Math Struggles and Identifying Strategies to Help- C. Woodin and the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity

Number Sense and Dyscalculia, Wilson,W., Dehaene, S. 2007 INSERM-CEA Unit 562 « Cognitive Neuroimaging » Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot CEA-DRM-DSV Orsay, France appearing in: Human Behavior, Learning, and the Developing Brain: Atypical Development. Edited by Coch D, Dawson G, Fischer K: Guilford Press, New York 2007.

Olumide A. Olulade, D. Lynn Flowers, Eileen M. Napolielo, Guinevere F. Eden Brain Lang. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 May 1.Published in final edited form as: Brain Lang. 2013 May; 125(2): 134–145. Published online 2012 May 5. doi: 10.1016/j.bandl.2012.04.003 PMCID: PMC3426643

DUAL CODING THEORY AND EDUCATION Allan Paivio University of Western Ontario Draft chapter for the conference on “Pathways to Literacy Achievement for High Poverty Children,” The University of Michigan School of Education, September 29-October 1, 2006.