Develop Cardinality and Number Sense with Whole-to-Part Icons of Quantity  

Labels like dyslexia and dyscalculia may garner services, but do not define these services. Understanding the dynamics behind the label, as well as the neurodivergent individual's constellation of cognitive metrics is essential to develop an effective educational plan of action. Dehaene's Triple Code Model will be used to describe the basis for our ability to count and process numerosity.  The acquisition of numeracy involves the dynamic interaction between quantities, symbols, and the language used to represent them. The ability to connect quantities with their spoken and written labels predicts the development of arithmetic skills. When complexity increases within the academic context of math, other individual-specific cognitive factors can become the limiting factor in acquiring numeracy. Examples of these factors along with some diagnostic-prescriptive therapies will be presented.

A student with dyslexia who is confused by typical math instruction can excel when instructed in a way that always shows the big picture first, uses visual-spatial images, and directly examines how the parts are connected to the whole.  This program is quite different from how most of us were taught math, and it is different from most modern curriculum approaches as well.  Number sense is developed by establishing a robust understanding of quantities so that their values may be compared.  The methodology to be presented enables such comparison by limiting demands on language processing, working memory, and executive function skills.

Learning and memory research tells us that multisensory integration is absolutely vital for children who have learning difficulties, as well as the best way to teach all students. Experiential, gross-motor activities provide a powerful approach to interact with recognizable whole-to-part visual models.  Students develop language skills necessary to describe math concepts and relationships as they perceive and process them. Simply put, students take patterns apart, then reassemble them while describing the process. Various games and activities involving both fine and gross motor skills will be demonstrated, and supported with free online materials including Chris Woodin's Number Sense Program by Nessy!

Offered in three formats: 1.5 hour overview, 1 day seminar, or 2-day hands-on workshop


Teach Numeracy:       Addition and Subtraction from Whole-to-Part

The skill base covered in this course is traditionally taught from Pre-K through grade 2, however, these skills are frequently underdeveloped or lacking in students with LBLD at higher grade levels. 

A significant number do not acquire these skills without this specific prescriptive remediation.

Course Objectives

Relevant Research-Based Articles and Links

Read more about the program by clicking on the links below. 

Visual Images Teach Math, Woodin,C. 2018

Subitizing: What Is It? Why Teach It? Clements, Douglas H. Teaching Children Mathematics, March 1999 

Subitizing and Visual Counting in Children with Problems in Acquiring Basic Arithmetic Skills. Fischer B, Gebhardt C, Hartnegg K. College of Optometrists in Vision Development. 2008:39(1):24-29.

College of Optometrists in Vision Development.  2008:39(1):30-34.

The fusiform face area: a cortical region specialized for the perception of faces. Kanwisher N, Yovel G. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2006;361(1476):2109-2128. doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1934.

Subitizing Is Sensitive to the Arrangement of Objects. Experimental Psychology. Krajcsi, Attila & Szabo, Eszter & Morocz, Istvan. (2013).  60. 1-8. 10.1027/1618-3169/a000191. 

Number Sense and Dyscalculia, Wilson,W., Dehaene, S. 2007 INSERM-CEA Unit 562 « Cognitive Neuroimaging » Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot CEA-DRM-DSV Orsay, France appearing in: Human Behavior, Learning, and the Developing Brain: Atypical Development. Edited by Coch D, Dawson G, Fischer K: Guilford Press, New York 2007.

The WoodinMath Number System is currently being used in an increasing number of  public and private schools worldwide. 

 Increasing numbers of general education, grade level programs are using it to drive the K-2 Common Core Curriculum Frameworks. 

Other remedial programs are using it with students who failed to develop numeracy with traditional  part-to-whole methodology. 

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